Roswell Chiropractor : Dr. Claire Welsh

Roswell Chiropractor, Dr. Claire Welsh
Dr. Claire Welsh is the president and founder of Care More Chiropractic. She was born and raised in New York and attended the Academy of Mt. St. Ursula and graduated from the College of White Plains, Pace University with a Bachelor of Science Degree.
Dr. Claire and Dr. Steve were married in the Good Counsel College chapel of Pace U, in White Plains, New York.
Dr. Claire’s background is well rounded, and includes work as a bacteriologist at a medical hospital. She completed her undergraduate research and wrote her thesis, on the effects of Vitamin C on bacterial growth. Then, utilizing a minor in education and numerous childhood development courses, she taught special education at the high school level while living in the mid-west, and then preschool classes in Plano, Texas.
After moving to the Atlanta area, she suffered a sports injury in an aerobics class. This injury led her to discover chiropractic. Besides a speedy recovery, the benefits of chiropractic included improved overall health for both herself and her family.
This encouraged her to pursue a doctorate in chiropractic.
As a chiropractor she would be able to help others by educating and empowering them to improve their health. While attending Life Chiropractic College, she was elected as clinic representative and served as liaison between the faculty and her class.

Dr. Claire and her granddaughters.
Throughout her academic career at Life, she received numerous merit awards, honors, and consistently appeared on the National Dean’s List.
In December 1988, she received a Doctor of Chiropractic, Magna Cum Laude from Life Chiropractic College. Upon graduation she was inducted into the prestigious Pi Tau Delta International Chiropractic Honor Society and was listed in Who’s Who of American Universities.
While Dr. Claire considers their 3 children, Kristen, Stephen (twins) and Kevin, among her greatest accomplishments, friends and family applaud her ability to attend chiropractic school, graduate with honors, and run a successful practice while balancing family responsibilities. Dr. Claire says, “Parenting 3 unique children, who have grown to be accomplished and successful in such diverse fields gives me such a sense of pride. It’s not that I am proud of my role as parent, I am immensely proud of their individuality and their achievements.”
Her pride and joy extends to Isabelle and Shelby, her grandchildren, who she describes as “simply amazing”!
Professional Affiliations, Awards, and Accomplishments
- LIFEforce 1000 Doctor & PEAK Doctor
- 2009 Contributing Doctor and co-author of a Retrospective Case Study: Chiropractic Care of a Pregnant Patient Presenting with Intrauterine Constraint Using the Webster In-Utero Constraint Technique, Journal Of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health-Chiropractic – Vol. 2009-Issue 2-Pages 1-3 Click here for link to abstract.
- 2007 served as the delegate representing the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) to the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), Portugal
- 2007 -2009 elected President of the Georgia Council of Chiropractic (GCC) state association
- 2006-present elected to represent GA in the ICA Representative Assembly
- 2006 elected Distinguished Fellow of the International Chiropractors Association
- 2005-2007 elected Vice President of the GCC
- 2005 served as delegate to the WFC representing ICA Sydney, Australia
- 2004 inducted as Inaugural Fellow Life University
- 2004 Speaker at Life Source seminars
- 2004 elected Secretary GCC
- 2003 Board of Directors GCC
- 2001 elected GCC Chiropractor of the Year
- 1996-2001 Board of Directors GCC
After serving the chiropractic profession in various positions, Dr. Claire was elected in 2007 to serve as the President of the state association, the Georgia Council of Chiropractic. She served 2 terms, through 2009. Dr. Claire was honored by the Georgia Council of Chiropractic as the Chiropractor of the Year for 2001. In 2004 she was inducted as an inaugural Fellow of Life University where she is also a member of the President’s Circle.
In 2005, 2007 and 2009 Dr. Claire served as the International Chiropractic Association delegate to the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC). In 2006 she was elected as a Distinguished Fellow of the ICA, and currently serves as a Representative in the ICA Representative Assembly for the state of Georgia. She frequently lecturers at Life University as a guest speaker, and is called upon to speak at conferences of her peers, women’s professional organizations, and student groups.
Serving as a LIFEforce Doctor, Dr. Claire is committed to helping Life University spread principled vitalistic, chiropractic and Lasting Purpose around the world. She notes that “awakening the passion in an individual to become a chiropractor to serve mankind through chiropractic” as her first chiropractor did for her, is “truly rewarding”. As a PEAK Doctor, Dr. Claire serves as Life adjunct faculty, accepting students who are near graduation, to work in an office setting to complete their training at Care More Chiropractic. She enjoys mentoring within the chiropractic profession, and notes, “I feel such pride, like a mother bird with her fledglings as these students blossom, graduate and become Doctors of Chiropractic themselves.” She continues to serve the chiropractic profession in LIFEforce and by serving on boards and representing the practicing chiropractor in the international arena.
Give our Roswell chiropractic office a call to schedule an appointment today!